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Vicious Dreams Turn Off My Brain LP

Vicious Dreams Turn Off My Brain LP

Regular price $12.00 USD
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The band's newest full-length record (Turn Off My Brain aka T.O.M.B.) explores the daily struggles of dealing with ADHD and anxiety while trying to keep your head on straight in a world filled with people that often feels majorly bizarre. The songs aren’t searching for any answers, only trying to make light, with a little three-chord rock, of how weird it is to be here.

A co-release with Swamp Cabbage Records, Dirt Cult Records and Brassneck Records. Released August 9, 2024.


Vicious Dreams are a power-pop influenced punk trio from Orlando, FL. Heavily influenced by the likes of the Buzzcocks, Nasty Facts, and other fun 70s/80s rock n’ roll. They tune into the middle-ground between harmonic vocal melodies and hard-hitting, slightly melancholic, chord progressions and lyrics. Guitarist/vocalist Amanda Little shared, “‘Too Tough’ is about macho guys who think being rude and shitty make them cool. They try too hard, and their pseudo-toughness ends up making them look foolish. The antagonist of the song reminded us a lot of Johnny Bravo, which is why we picked that name for the character.”

On the map of punk rock, Vicious Dreams take a line that cherry-picks some of the genre’s best virtues and rolls them up into smart bombs that last just long enough to hit their targets and leave a burn mark. Powered by high-voltage guitars and upfront melodicism, their charged, upbeat sound is maximum bop and bash. But Vicious Dreams are melodic in a way that’s more evocative of black-leather 1970s power-pop than 1980s West Coast pop-punk. Yeah, much cooler.

Vicious Dreams’ sophomore album is, notably, an even more melodic turn for the band. Dropping on Friday, Aug. 9, the nine-song Turn Off My Brain (a title conveniently and cleverly acronymized by the track “TOMB”) lacquers their hotrod guitars with lustrous hooks that are even bigger and better. The net effect hits that timeless bull’s eye between sweet and tough. As the title suggests, Turn Off My Brain gets into the fray of dealing with anxiety and ADHD in a time when reality itself is so surreal, a condition that seems pretty universal at this point. Regardless, Vicious Dreams manage to sugar the much-needed pill with their best songs to date. Four years after their debut album, Vicious Dreams aren’t just back but markedly better, justifying the wait with a high-impact collection of punk that hasn’t lost its rock & roll. Turn Off My Brain is a tight package of hit-and-fun smashes that punch all the right buttons.
-Orlando Weekly

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